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Junior School


The Ministry of Education has a website that is constantly growing to support home learning. 

The link is:













Junior School Reading - Sunshine online
Students can still use Sunshine Classics from home through a free grant from the

Pye Foundation.


You can log in through the website  

or via the Sunshine Classics app on ipad.

Username: redoubt

Password:  north 


*the login on the website is on the very top right hand corner of the webpage.*


This contains 3 Learning Spaces:


Learning Space 1 contains:


Alphabet, Words
Literacy levels 1-5 books and activities
Math books Level 1-5 and activities
A bookshelf for reading


Learning Space 2 contains:

Literacy levels 6-15 including activities
Letter blends - books and activities
Word families - books and activities
Maths books levels 6-15 plus activities

Bookshelf for reading


Learning Space 3 contains:

Literacy books and activities 16-30
Maths books levels 16-22 and activities
Australian titles for higher readers
Bookshelf for reading



Making Literacy fun: 

It is important that you try and read to or tell your children stories every night so that they are picking up new vocabulary and listening to the flow of a story. 


  • Talk about pictures in books, magazines, newspapers, photos from a photo album.

  • Sing waiata and songs. Sing nursery rhymes together and make up rhymes.

  • Be a role model. Let your child see you enjoying reading and talking about what you are enjoying.

  • Play word games like “ I spy” and ‘Simon says…” 

  • Write captions using the sentences below or create new sentences from the word cards in their book bags. 

  • Get your child to draw a picture to go with their story and read it to every family member. 

  • Involve your child in the daily chores .Talk to them about what you are doing (will help to build vocabulary). 

  • Helping in the kitchen, name the kitchen utensils and talk about it’s uses. 

  • Heihei Kitchen Science:

  • Keep a daily diary. Write stories, write about what you’re up to at home, write about anything you like!

  • Some readers can be found Online Using this Ministry website[]=22576&ColourWheelLevel=Magenta&Genre=all


Fitness - 

It is essential to keep them active, even if we are having to self isolate at home. Here are a few fun fitness and mindset based websites that could be useful for at home exercise and fitness. 



Website Ideas 

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